398th Unidentified Crew Photographs
This page contains links to Crew photographs where some or all men are unidentified. Crew photographs were taken during 1944 or 1945 at Nuthampstead or at B-17 training bases in the USA, such as Rapid City. If you have information about any of the following photographs or can provide better scans, please contact our Unidentified Crew Photos Coordinator.
Flight Crews Photos
- Aniello's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Training - Date Unknown
- Atkinson's Crew - 600th Squadron - 12 August 1944
- Branyon's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 10 February 1945
- Brown's (T.A.) Crew - 602nd Squadron - 8 July 1944
- Coleman's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 21 March 1945
- Delancey's Crew - 601st Squadron - 15 November 1944
- Douglas' (Gene L.) Crew - 600th Squadron - 25 July 1944
- Douglas' (J.D.) Crew - 603rd Squadron - 21 April 1945
- Driscoll's Crew - 602nd Squadron - Spring 1944
- Driscoll's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 20 July 1944
- Dunlap's Crew - 602nd Squadron - Training
- Fahrenthold's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Training - early 1944 (new 02/2025)
- Fairbanks' Crew - 601st Squadron - February or March 1944
- Fairbanks' Crew - 601st Squadron - 8 August 1944
- Foster's (T.K.) Crew - 603rd Squadron - Early 1944
- Gieryn's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Training - probably 1944
- Hadjes' Crew - 601st Squadron - Early 1944
- Haller's Crew - 601st Squadron - March/April 1945
- Harker's Crew (later Rehme's Crew) - 603rd Squadron - Early 1944
- Keenan's Crew (partial) - 603rd Squadron - April - June 1945
- Kiernan's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Late 1943
- Lamb's Crew with Major Tracy Petersen as Command - 601st Squadron - 14 October 1944
- Latson's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Early 1944
- MacArthur's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Probably 1944
- Markham's Crew - 602nd Squadron - Probably April 1945 (new 02/2025)
- Matthews' Crew - 600th Squadron - 9 October 1944
- Maurer's Crew - 602nd Squadron - Probably April 21, 1945
- McCarty's Crew - 601st Squadron - 1943
- Menzel's Crew - 600th Squadron - 20 July 1944
- Moore's (Vincent F.) Crew - 603rd Squadron - Probably July-early August 1944 - Photo No.1 (new 02/2025)
- Moore's (Vincent F.) Crew - 603rd Squadron - 15 August 1944 - Photo No.2 (new 02/2025)
- Nisewonger's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 1944
- Palant's Crew - 601st Squadron - September 1944
- Petska's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 5 January 1945
- Petrocine's Crew - 600th Squadron - 22 March 1945
- Powell's Crew - 603rd Squadron - Fall 1944
- Rehme's Crew (previously Harker's Crew) - 603rd Squadron - Early 1944
- Rusk's Crew - 602nd Squadron - 26 October 1944
- Schoen's Crew - 601st Squadron - Fall 1944
- Scott's (W.F.) Crew - 603rd Squadron - 1943/early 1944
- Scott's (W.F.) Crew - 603rd Squadron - Early 1944
- Spitzer's Crew - 603rd Squadron - 2 November 1944
- Unknown Crew 1 - 602 Squadron - 14 September 1943 - early Rapid City Training (possibly the John W. Stuermer Crew)
- Unknown Crew 3 - 600th Squadron - May 1945 - arriving Bradley Field on Hitler's Headache
- Unknown 5 Crew - 602nd Squadron - 29 September 1943
- Walker's Crew - 601st Squadron - 29 July 1943
- Norman Williams' Crew - 603rd Squadron - probably 1945
- Woodmansee's Crew - 600th Squadron - 10 April 1945
UnNamed Flight Crews
In general for these, we have photos, but we don't know the name of the crew.
- Crew E-4 - 600th Squadron - 27 December 1943
- Unknown Crew 1 - 602 Squadron - 14 September 1943 - early Rapid City Training (possibly the John W. Stuermer Crew)
- Unknown Crew 3 - 600th Squadron - May 1945 - arriving Bradley Field on Hitler's Headache
- Unknown 5 Crew - 602nd Squadron - 29 September 1943
Flight Crews without Photos in our Collection
- List of 398th Crews without photos in our Collection (please check to see if you have a crew photo we are missing)
Armament Crew Photos
- Armament Crew - 600th Squadron - 1944/45
- Armament Crew - 601st Squadron - 10 February 1945
- Ordnance Section - 601st Squadron - 10 February 1945
Fire Fighters Crew
For the following, all the men are identified, but for many, the first names, ranks and positions are unknown and input would be appreciated.
- 2015th Engineer Aviation Fire Fighters Platoon - 31 October 1944
- Bill Ahern - 2015th Engineer Aviation Fire Fighters - 1944
- Martin, Ahern, Cochrane - 2015th Engineer Aviation Fire Fighters - 1944
- McAfee, Knox, Ahern - 2015th Engineer Aviation Fire Fighters - 1944
- Wood, Molloy, Ahern - 2015th Engineer Aviation Fire Fighters - 1944
Ground Crews
- Andrew Schaffer, Crew Chief for the 601st 42-102596 30-N DOODIT -
- Southwick's Ground Crew - 603rd Squadron - 1944 or 1945
Intelligence, Operations and Photo Group Photos
398th Leaders and Commanders Photos
- Gross, Hunter, Miller, Gray, Strickrott, and Brown - 398th First Mission - 6 May 1944 Includes General William Gross, Colonel Frank P. Hunter, Captain Jean B. Miller, Major Judson F. Gray, Captain Carl J. Strickrott, and Captain Harold L. Brown.
- Miller, Hunter, Gross, Berryhill and Ground Crew - 6 May 1944 - First Mission Includes Captain Jean B. Miller, Colonel Frank P. Hunter, General William Gross, and Colonel Earl J. Berryhill.
- Lamb's Crew with Major Tracy Petersen as Command - 601st Squadron - 14 October 1944 Includes Captain Hal W. Lamb, Pilot, Major Tracy J. Petersen, Command Pilot and Captain Paul Picket, Squadron Navigator.
- 603rd Jordan, Moore, and Hall by B-17 - May 1944 Includes Lt. Ed Jordan, Captain Carlton C. Moore, Squadron Bombardier and probably Lt. David M. Hall, Squadron Intelligence Officer
- DFC Ceremony at Nuthampstead - 29 January 1945 Major Jean B. Miller, 603rd Squadron Commander pinning Distinguished Flying Cross on S/Sgt. Ray Vicha; 3 other unidentified men also shown.