December 31, 1944
Mission: Blumenthal, Germany
We bombed PFF at 26,000 feet marshalling yards at the end of town. We were airborne 6 hours, and on oxygen 3 hours. The temperature was –45 degrees. We encountered light, but accurate flak. We took 2 hits. One was below the co-pilot’s seat, which was stopped by the armor plate, and one hit in Bradford’s upper turret. He caught the flak in his shoes that were placed there on the catwalk. The bombing strikes were reported well. I am flying as a crew again with a new co-pilot, bombardier, and navigator. DeCleene, our former co-pilot is now our pilot. It is good to be together as a crew again after being spread around for two months.
Editor's Note: The original diary shows Bischofsheim on December 31 and Blumenthal on December 30. The 398th Official lists of missions indicates Bischofsheim on December 30 and Blumenthal on December 31. Because they believe this was just a date transposition, the diary transcribers changed the diary date for Bischofsheim to December 30 and Blumenthal to December 31 to get the mission place and associated text with the correct calendar date.