No. 5
Nov. 29, 1944
The primary target was Dousburg [Doliberg]. It was cloudy so we bombed Misburg PFF at 27,000 ft. About 700 fighters were expected, some were in the area, but none attacked. The flak was light and inaccurate, and we got 2 holes. The ball turret gunner got scared at the IP (Initial Point), and climbed out of the turret. l traded places with the tail gunner. I don’t know what we’re going to do with him. I flew with my own crew. Except that I flew most of the mission on a lousy element leader, the mission was uneventful.
Editor's note: The diary showed a date of Nov. 28 for this entry. However, the 398th did not fly that day but they did fly to Misburg on the 29th. Thus the entry was changed to Nov. 29.